Saturday, September 4, 2010

God will make a way ...

Is life bringing you down ... do your burdens seem heavy?  Is the economy hurting your family? 
So to whom do you go to when life has become a trial?  Are you secure in what God says in His Word that He will be with you and guide you through all of the fiery trials of life.  I know many of you out there are hurting for whatever reason ... I have my trials too.  I need to remember to connect my wifi brain waves to Him who lives forever rather than using the airwaves of this world to my closest friend.
We need to get on our knees and lay prostrate before Him and lay our troubles at His feet.  As I was feeling weighed down this past week of things of this world, this song came into my heart.  I hope you will enjoy as I did ... it lifted my spirits and encouraged me to remember God's promises.
Blessing to all of you who hear, read and heed His Word.

God will make a way ...

After your spirits are lifted up by the above song, I hope you will move on to listen to the next song ...
Trust and Obey ...

Then move on to remember that God will strengthen your faith ...
Faith is the Victory ...

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 20th - 2010 ...

Hi there all you Precept folks - even those who are not die hards like me.
Kay Arthur along with David Lawson and BJ Lawson are introducing two new forty minunte study books.
You might go to their web page after the July twentieth release date and check them out.

1) Turning Your Heart Toward God - Discover What It Really Means to Be Blessed

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus identified attitudes that bring God's favor: weeping over sin, demonstrating meekness, showing mercy, nurturing peace, and more. Some of these phrases have become so familiar that we've lost sight of their meaning.

In this powerful study, you will gain a fresh understanding of what it looks like to align your life with God's priorities. Here you will discover anew why the word blessed mean walking the fulness and satisfaction of God, no matter your circumstances. As you look closely at the meaning behind each of the Beatitudes, you will see how these truths can shape your choices every day--and bring you closer to the heart of God.

2) Understanding Spiritual Gifts - What Are Spiritual Gifts?

The subject of spiritual gifts can seem complicated: Who has spiritual gifts--""spiritual people" or everybody? What are spiritual gifts anyway?

Understanding Spiritual Gifts takes you straight to God's Word to discover answers from the Gift-Giver Himself. As you dig into Bible passages about God's design for each of us, you'll find out that spiritual gifts aren't complicated--but they are life-changing.

Here you will uncover what spiritual gifts are, where they come from, who has them, how they are received, and how they work within the church. As you study, you will have a new vision for how you can use your God-given gifts to bring hope to your home, your church, and a hurting world.

40 Minutes a Week Could Change Your Life!

The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precept Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minute lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s notes and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

About the Author

PRECEPT MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, founded in 1970 by Jack and Kay Arthur, has trained millions of people to discover God's truth for themselves. The Precepts for Life radio and television programs, hosted by Kay Arthur, reach a worldwide viewing audience of over 94 million. In addition to inductive study training workshops and thousands of small-group studies across America, PMI reaches nearly 150 countries with inductive Bible studies translated into nearly 70 languages.

~ ~ Do Not Disturb ~ ~

“Do Not Disturb

“and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.“-
Rev. 3:17b

Satan is relentless to keep disciples from speaking, and our flesh is satisfied to cling to mute symbols of grace.

Churches ought to be gatherings where speaking the truth in love grows us into Jesus, thru the working together of each individual member of the body (Eph. 4:16). Yet most churches provide few occasions for true body life to occur. The dialogue of the early church (Acts 20:7) has nearly vanished today. Not speaking can become habitat for concealing unbelief, malice, etc., whereas speaking expresses our hearts (Luke 6:45).

Of all the words we speak, those we speak to the Lord are most revealing. The parable of the Pharisee and the publican (Luke 18:9-14) is disturbing, for it portrays only two ways we speak to the Lord concerning ourselves. Jesus said the Pharisee prayed with himself. His self-centered words reflected his illusions of righteousness, and the reality of his condescension. He returned home as he arrived - unaware of his need for forgiveness.

In contrast with the Pharisee, Jesus said the publican went home justified. He had prayed, “God, be merciful to me, the sinner.” His admission of failure and plea for mercy resulted in God declaring him right with Himself. Where are such prayers today? Some churches have reduced prayers, and many fail to admit our failures. Jesus described God’s chosen as crying unto God day and night (Luke 18:7).
Do I?

“My house shall be a house of prayer
of all nations" Isaiah 56:7c

Do these words describe our gatherings? Could our assemblies express more open-heartedness to the Lord? Paul wrote, “But you come together, not for the better, but for the worse.” 1 Cor. 11:17 His words suggest that their assemblies should have left them better. They could have provoked each other to love in humble dialogue, and asked God for each other (1 John 5:16).

Through speaking we share our selves and create openings to give and receive wisdom and love. This may leave us vulnerable, but malicious words will be known, and hearts can be corrected. Since none of us have been mistaken for Jesus, we all have need for perfecting. We might discover that praying together brings us Jesus’ disturbing power - and leaves us changed, beyond what we have known. -

Wayne McDaniel
July 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Truth and Love

Truth and Love

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This is an awesome article on Ephesians 4:15 - but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, (NASB)
This article is written by Henry Morris,PhD
Go check it out and read it :) It will bless you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reading through the Bible in a year

Have you ever wondered how people go about reading their Bible? Do they literally go from cover to cover ... starting at Genesis and eventually reading the last chapter and verse in Revelation? Do they just pick and choose and just start reading where the Bible falls open that day ... do they read according to themes or topics? I know that a lot of people each have their own way of getting through the Bible in a year or so. Sometimes it is easy to read, other times one has to stop and meditate upon what one has read and chew on it for awhile. Perhaps a scripture has taken your breath away ... perhaps the Holy Spirit is convicting you. But, whatever way you choose, be sure and pray first and ask God to guide you in wisdom and understanding of what He wants you to learn that day. It could be a scripture you have read many times before, but today God wants it to mean something special to you. Listen quietly as you read today and hear what the Spirit has to say to you.
I have come across this reading style for in a years time on many web sites, so I would like to add it to mine just to have another web site out there that could suggest a way to read through your Bible in a year.
Go to the Bible Study Tools webpage and sign up and they will get you going in reading and keeping tract of your through the year reading. Have fun!!! May God bless you richly for reading, hearing and heeding His Word.

Revelation ch 2 - the church at Ephesus ...

Hi everyone, I am baaaaack. Please remember as you read over my time here ... that this is just my own littlet comments and I pray God is giving me wisdom just to put food for thought in your head, and not to be doing Theology or apologetics. If you truly find me far off field, feel welcome to email me and give me your thoughts. I am not trying to teach anything ... but taking God's Word, and asking you when was the last time you thought about ...
One of the things I found interesting about all 7 churches is that Christ continually says: I know ... hmmm ... so I assume, there isn't anything about us (you) He doesn't know ... get it?
By the way, all of my scriptures are taken from the NASB (updated)

Church at Ephesus - Christ's decription: The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands
Their commendations: He knows about their deeds, their toil, their perseverance ... they test those who call themselves apostles but aren't. He knows they have not grown weary and that they hate the deeds of the Nicolatians - which He also hates.
Reproof of the church: They had left their first love ... they had fogotten where they had come from - have you forgotten your first love? Do you remember the joy you had when you gave your life to Him? Do you remember the relief you had knowing that you had been redeemed? The joy of sharing God's love through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ to others ... How your total desire was to please only Him ... and to be obedient to His Word. You dug in to reading His Word daily and was astounded at how alive it came each time you read it and the Holy Spirit put a new revelation in your heart about something you had read over and over and now the light comes on and you say "Oh Yeah!!!"
Christ called them to repent or else He was going to come and remove their lampstand. That lampstand is the light ... His light ... are you wandering around in darkness? Have you turned your back on Christ? Have you repented and turned back to Christ? Well, the church at Ephesus did not repent ... and guess what, He did remove His lamptstand from them. The lampstand is the church and it was the light of a dark area full of idol worships of all kinds. How sad it is that neither the town nor the church of Ephesus remains to this day. The only thing that exists today are the ruins.
But, He always has a promise at the end of every letter to all seven churches ... to Ephesus He says: To Him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God. So tell me, brothers and sisters ... are you an overcomer or do you let others overtake you? Don't let Satan/sin come into your life w/o immediate repentance and with God's help and strength the desire to sin and the auto lusts of the flesh will diminish.
Think on some ways that you might keep as the most important thing in your life, your relationship with Christ the King.
Thank you Lord Jesus for drawing us to you. Thank you for your love and the truth of Your Word. May we always remember our first love, may we be overcomers, and may we hate what You hate. Guide us in perseverance, endurance and help us not to grow weary. Let us have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to us (the body of Christ). Amen and Amen

Monday, March 1, 2010

Revelation - Chapter 1

ok ... so I said I would be back on, putting items up to encourage you and to uplift you and make you think ...
Sorry it has taken a little over a year to get back with you, but life has been busy!!!

ok ... now on to the good stuff.
First I want to ask when was the last time you even opened your Bible? Has it been awhile? Is it sitting up on a shelf with a bunch of other books collecting dust?
When was the last time you spent time with the Lord, just talking as good friends should and do?
Does anyone remember that song/hymn - My God and I ... you can go here and read the words to the song. I tried to find somewhere on the internet where you could hear it, but could not find anything.

I am no Biblical scholar, but I am going to try help you understand on a simple level that Revelation is not a hard to understand book and certainly is not something to be afraid of ... but blessed is he who reads, hears and heeds what it has to say to one and all. I am so excited to be reading Revelation ... it is an unveling of the shortness of time, the length and the magnitude of eternity. But you may ask ... shortly? - Yep, meaning once it is set in motion, things will happen quickly.

Let me interrupt my typing for you to read the words and sing along with me to this amazing song called The Revelation Song.
Here is another song, a little more jovial about who wrote Revelation ... John, the Revelator.

Revelation was written in 95AD - 1,915 years ago (2010) - and it is just as revelant now as it was when John received the word from Christ through an angel. If you remember, John was on the Isle of Patmos (which is just off the cost of Turkey) at the time of this vision, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. He was told to write this message to the 7 churches in Asia ... which is now modern day Turkey.
Revelation 1:13-16 - will give you a good description of what Christ looked like to John ... the word to tune into is the word 'like' a similie - that was the only way he could describe Christ to us. If you go to this web page, it will give you a good idea of what Christ may have looked like to John.
If you continue to read, you will find that we are told that the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and that the seven lasmpstands are the seven churches. You may ask then ... what or who are the seven churches ... Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Be prepard to hear the messages to each of these churches, as they apply to us individually as well as to the body of Christ - and our own churches that we attend.
Remember, I am no Bible scholar or theoligist or apologetic ... just a simple person reading and getting my info by inductively studying God's Word. I pray that it will be easy for you to study as well. You don't have to agree with me ... just get God's Word out for yourself and read and see what He is trying to tell you. Believe me, God's Word is alive, and it will touch your heart and soul where and when He chooses. I pray that God will choose you as John 15:16 says to us.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kay Arthur's Blog

Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have been on. I haven't had a lot of 'new' stuff to add to this ... and also have been very busy. Maybe too busy. But I am back in the saddle again, so to speak and will try and have more interesting and new items up as much as possible.
I pray all have had a 'Christ'mas Christmas and love fulfilled your life. If you need lifted up and ecnouraged ... I have found out that Kay Arthur has her own blog spot. Feel free to jump over there and read her writings. They are very informative and encouraging.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Precepts for Life - Kay Arthur

Here is a great study of the Old Testament book Isaiah ... Kay is already really into it ... but you can go to her archive and start with lesson 1 and go at your own pace. This is truly a great study of prophecy.

How to Live a Life of Biblical Love

Here are a few good words on How to Live a Life of Biblical Love by Pastor Curtis Brown.

Your Grace Amazes Me

Here is another great song and video clip. We heard the song and watched this video clip at church today ... the video clip are from the movie Jesus the Nazarene ... I found the video clip on YouTube and wanted so much to share it with you.
I pray this will bless your heart and draw you to the One Who Loves you far deeper than you will ever understand ... what sin are you hiding ... what sin do you need to repend of? His grace is amazing ... Are you Amazed?

Here are the lyrics from "Your Grace Still Amazes Me" by Craig and Dean Phillips

My faithful Father, enduring Friend
Your tender mercy’s like a river with no end
It overwhelms me, covers my sin
Each time I come into Your presence
I stand in wonder once again

CHORUS: Your grace still amazes me
Your love is still a mystery
Each day I fall on my knees
Your grace still amazes me
‘Cause Your grace still amazes me

Oh, patient Saviour, You make me whole
You are the Author and the Healer of my soul
What can I give You, Lord, what can I say
I know there’s no way to repay You
Only to offer You my praise

It’s deeper, it’s wider
It’s stronger, it’s higher
It’s deeper it’s wider
It’s stronger, it’s higher
than anything my eyes can see