Monday, March 1, 2010

Revelation - Chapter 1

ok ... so I said I would be back on, putting items up to encourage you and to uplift you and make you think ...
Sorry it has taken a little over a year to get back with you, but life has been busy!!!

ok ... now on to the good stuff.
First I want to ask when was the last time you even opened your Bible? Has it been awhile? Is it sitting up on a shelf with a bunch of other books collecting dust?
When was the last time you spent time with the Lord, just talking as good friends should and do?
Does anyone remember that song/hymn - My God and I ... you can go here and read the words to the song. I tried to find somewhere on the internet where you could hear it, but could not find anything.

I am no Biblical scholar, but I am going to try help you understand on a simple level that Revelation is not a hard to understand book and certainly is not something to be afraid of ... but blessed is he who reads, hears and heeds what it has to say to one and all. I am so excited to be reading Revelation ... it is an unveling of the shortness of time, the length and the magnitude of eternity. But you may ask ... shortly? - Yep, meaning once it is set in motion, things will happen quickly.

Let me interrupt my typing for you to read the words and sing along with me to this amazing song called The Revelation Song.
Here is another song, a little more jovial about who wrote Revelation ... John, the Revelator.

Revelation was written in 95AD - 1,915 years ago (2010) - and it is just as revelant now as it was when John received the word from Christ through an angel. If you remember, John was on the Isle of Patmos (which is just off the cost of Turkey) at the time of this vision, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. He was told to write this message to the 7 churches in Asia ... which is now modern day Turkey.
Revelation 1:13-16 - will give you a good description of what Christ looked like to John ... the word to tune into is the word 'like' a similie - that was the only way he could describe Christ to us. If you go to this web page, it will give you a good idea of what Christ may have looked like to John.
If you continue to read, you will find that we are told that the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and that the seven lasmpstands are the seven churches. You may ask then ... what or who are the seven churches ... Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Be prepard to hear the messages to each of these churches, as they apply to us individually as well as to the body of Christ - and our own churches that we attend.
Remember, I am no Bible scholar or theoligist or apologetic ... just a simple person reading and getting my info by inductively studying God's Word. I pray that it will be easy for you to study as well. You don't have to agree with me ... just get God's Word out for yourself and read and see what He is trying to tell you. Believe me, God's Word is alive, and it will touch your heart and soul where and when He chooses. I pray that God will choose you as John 15:16 says to us.


Anonymous said...

There were still Judaizers in the church at the time which Rev. 2:9, 3:9 warns of – but not after 70 AD.
I’ve read that the only time there were all seven churches in Patmos was in the 60’s – afterward they were destroyed.
If this was written in the 60’s it happened in rapid succession for sure unless we say this is for the church in the future – it could be for both times if the warnings were for the churches. If so, it had to be written in t he 60’s since the churches were destroyed after 70 AD.
I remember discussing this in Candy’s class; was the emperor Domitius Nero from the 60’s, or Domitian from the 90’s. Dom. Nero led a massive persecution but no evidence is found for the Dom in the 90’s. Class went round and round on that – it was fun and crazy. (I think it was the tyrant Nero and the amount of evidence seems to point to the book written in the 60’s rather than the 90’s.)

Anonymous said...

ok ... I am confused ... the churches were in Turkey not on the Isle of Patmos. Also Ephesus was destroyed ... totally and completly, and Symrna is now the modern city of Izmir.
I can't remember the name of the family and their ministry, but there is a group of Christians that are actually working on the 7 towns, cities or whatever of the same origin.